This is a Monday’s Musings – Random thoughts, feelings and musings by Yours Truly entry under my themed blog posts! For more info about the themed blog posts, do read the entry here.
I think most of my Monday’s Musings entries comes from real life experiences. When irked, amused, I think it makes good content for Monday’s boliaoness posts.
Let’s talk about #throwback time! Things that you miss! Well, things that I miss for my case.

I miss tiny #miumiunotprada! He is so huge now!

He is so fat and grouchy now!!!

I miss my coloured hair!

Crazy bleaching and colours!

My hair is in a mess now. Thinking of growing it to be able to tie during confinement.
Chop after that!

I miss being skinny. Hahahaha.
Or well, being able to pick up things from the floor easily!

Now bending over is a bit cumbersome. Okay, more than a bit.
Do check out my other Monday’s Musings blog posts here:
- 10 Things That Annoy Short People
- 5 Things That Change After Marriage
- Why You Should Never Ask A Couple When Are They Having Kids
- 8 Reasons Why You Should Travel
- 20 Facts about nadnut
- Places To Meet Guys In Singapore
- DeerNadia vs DearNadia
- Things That Couples Get Annoyed With
- Why I Hate Buying Things Back For People
- 11 Signs That You Are A Singaporean
- Reasons Why I Love Him
- The Importance Of Group Dynamics
- Things That Couples Hate to Hear
- Love is a decision, not a feeling.
- Things That Pisses Drivers Off
- Things You Do Not Want For Christmas
- Why You Should Declutter Your (Social Media) Life
- 8 Major Things That Happened To Me in 2014
- nadnut’s New Year Resolutions for 2015
- Opposites Attract
- The 10 Worst People To Travel With
- 5 Reasons Why I Love Chinese New Year
- 6 Types Of Colleagues You’ll Encounter
- Things That Freaking Irritate Me
- Then and Now. Same meaning, Different words.
- Moments where we’ve cheated
- Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.
- Things that irritate me at work
- Facebook Dislike – Yay or Nay?
- Types Of Friends That You Should Chuck
- Pregnancy Pet Peeves
Do check out my pregnancy blog posts here:
Well, this is my Monday’s Musings entry. Sorry for the long wall of text! I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this Things That I Miss piece! Are there any other topics that you’ll like to hear from me? Do comment and I’ll muse about that
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