this is how frizzy my hair is after bleaching for the ah-lian look. -_-” (the highlights do not stand out cause my hair is wet. lol)

i got a feeling that cowboy caleb would love this shirt. he zeus mah. 😛
this is how frizzy my hair is after bleaching for the ah-lian look. -_-” (the highlights do not stand out cause my hair is wet. lol)
i got a feeling that cowboy caleb would love this shirt. he zeus mah. 😛
haha..zeus’ woman!!! opps.. tiger and mrs ccb wont be happy :p
nadnut: LOL! no lah. 😛
Enjoy viewing the beautiful photo. Thumb up! 😉
nadnut: thanks! 🙂
I agree with Ah Liam
nadnut: 🙂
erm… i hate to say this, but… got frizz meh? *squints at photo, looks really really hard* dun have leh. i no see no frizz. :p
maybe i’m just blind. 😀
nadnut: the ends of me hair!
ah lian, i like ur top!
nadnut: where got ah lian!
Woah, beach babe alert!!
nadnut: beach babe alert? no way! fat woman alert!
nadnut: what’s with the roar? o.O
chiobu! *wolf whistles*
nadnut: where got? *looks around*