Random March 15, 2006March 15, 2006 by nadnut that thing about having a bad day… you know you are having a bad day when all you wanna do, is watch tv and drink the night away as soon as you get home. Related PostsMerry Christmas people!that thing about JAMIE OLIVER!!!!!Brazilian waxing is almost painless.Sarcasm at it’s best.
0.0 that is one fat kitty. you doing ok there? hang in there, girl. the weekend is almost here. 🙂 nadnut: hahaha. cant wait for the weekend! [Reply]
Ahhh.. Is that your cat? So damn cute! I like the way its paws are on the remote control. Hahaha.. nadnut: lol. that isnt my cat! hahahaa [Reply]
I’ve been getting a lot of these “I wanna stay home and drink” feelings. *pats pmsing tummy* That cat is sooooo typically MALE! Watching TV like a couch potato, a bottle of beer by his side, paw possessively on remote control, other paw scratching it’s balls. muahahahha, Sorry la i post the cake pictures!! Next time got chance i buy you a real one okie!!!kakakak. nadnut: hahahaa. almost human aye? u say one! i want a cake from you next time! 😉 [Reply]
0.0 that is one fat kitty.
you doing ok there? hang in there, girl. the weekend is almost here. 🙂
nadnut: hahaha. cant wait for the weekend!
yah one fat pussy!
nadnut: yah! super fat!
Ahhh.. Is that your cat? So damn cute! I like the way its paws are on the remote control. Hahaha..
nadnut: lol. that isnt my cat! hahahaa
I’ve been getting a lot of these “I wanna stay home and drink” feelings.
*pats pmsing tummy*
That cat is sooooo typically MALE!
Watching TV like a couch potato, a bottle of beer by his side, paw possessively on remote control, other paw scratching it’s balls.
muahahahha, Sorry la i post the cake pictures!! Next time got chance i buy you a real one okie!!!kakakak.
nadnut: hahahaa. almost human aye? u say one! i want a cake from you next time! 😉