
100 Questions…


1. Name: Nadia Crystel

2. Nick: nad~

3. Middle Name: …..

4. Hair: erm, dyed… dark blond i guess?

5. Eyes: should be black i think…

6. Height: sighz… mumbles 143cm…. bleah!

7. Location: Singapore! East area! Specifically B-E-D-O-K!

8. Birthday: 8th February 1984! hint hint~ coming soon wor!

9. Zodiac: Aquarius

10. Status: Attached… sighz… lol


11. Animals: MEOW! cats!

12. Sport: trekking, camping….. erm, does typing counts? finger exercises mah!

13. Color:pink…

14. Song: growoldwithu/somethingabtu/dilemma/crazyinlove

15. Band/Singer:currently Beyonce….

16. Quote: Carpe Diem! Seize De Day!

17. Flower: Red roses!

18. Scent: CK one & Escada Sentiment!

19. Movies: anything..

20 Holiday: Christmas…

21. Season: Summer!

22. Element: erm? diamond? heh..

23. Book(s): hmmmm…. currently romance..

24. Do you wear makeup?: yeah…

25. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: yeah… de things woman do to look good…

26. Do you look for personality or looks: looks… hey! im honest! looks come first then personality!

27. Perfect guy: hmmm… one who drives a volksvagen green beetle, who sings and plays de guitar really well (did i mention , i have a fetish for guys who plays guitar and sings well? heh), dashing looks, ok body, dresses well, speaks wonderful english with an accent, who loves going wine and dining, hmm.. plus de wallet of Bill Gates and willing to spend wooing and dating me, and on my expenses (read: clothes) and is adventurous enuf to go trekking with me… woot~ perfect guy! ooh, did i mention he muz love to club and eat lotsa nonsense wiv me? lol..

28. How many rings before you answer the phone: *shrugz*, when i hear de fone, i answer…

29. Future Career plans: work lor…

30. Do you sleep with stuffies?: hell yeah! lotsa lotsa pillows, lotsa snuggly toys like bears and my darling chicken leg!

31. Do you want kids?: ….. not in de near future maybe one or two… did i mention i hate screaming kids?

32. Are you popular: nah… no one knoes me… i hide in de shadows and detest socializing.. LOL..

33. Are you Pretty: no… sad…

34. Do you have your own phone line?: yes… my darling handfone!

35. Do you get along with your family?: ok. i can live w/o them. seriously.

36. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?: 6. 3 ear piercing on each side.

37. Giving hugs?: of coz! tat is my signature style…

38. Taking walks in the rain?: BRRRR….

39. The mall?: WOAH! i as an individual contributes to de economy ALL de time… get it? lol…

40. Go on stage?: hate it!

41. Drink: heh… when i club!

42.Drugs: does redbull count as a drug? coz im pretty addicted to it…

43.Eat meat: all except PORK…

44.Smoke: nope…

45. Date: BIRTHDAE —-> 8th feb (ah-hem! coming REAL soon..)

46. Sex: im a female… duh!

47. Eat sushi: once in a blue moon… me not a fan of sushi… i like my food full of cholestrol.. my plan to choke my heart and arteries…

48. Bake: yeah…. though i prefer to cook dishes… no patience to wait…. as in oven… lol…


49. Hot or Cold: its a tie!

50. Lace or Satin: lace

51. Blue or Red: Red

52. New or Old: New—-> especially clothes…

53. Rain or Snow: Snow

55. Wool or Cotton: wool.

56. Rose or Daisy: rose

57. Private school or public school: public school

58. Plain milk or chocolate milk: chocolate milk

59. Celsius or Fahrenheit: ? heck man…

60. Spring or Fall: spring

61. Math or Art: maths la… i LOVE maths…. hate ART.. no patience….

62. One pillow or two: 2 —–> in fact why stop @ 2?

63. Dogs or Cats: Cats… meow~

64. Adidas or Nike: Nike

65. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi…

66. Oranges or Apple: apples

67. Deaf or Blind: Deaf

68. Pool or hot tub: hot tub…

69. Blonde or Brunette: Brunette

70. Guys or Girls: Guys

71. Tall or short: tall…. please…

72. TV or Radio: TV

73. Homosexuality: normal gal… lol

74. Brand names: no prefence….

75. Abortion: nah… bad…

76. Religion: sort of muslim… though tinking of becoming a free-tinker….

77. Animal Rights: hell yeah!

78. Love at first sight: yup…

79. God: read above… tinking of becoming a free-tinker….

80. Aliens: -.-“

81. Horoscopes: yeah!

82. Heaven: hmmm…. yup…

83. Hell: coz all de fun ppl will be down there…. lol….

84. Reincarnation: dun believe..

85. Transvestites: erm… i am not bothered by them…

86. Boy Bands: erm… they are juz a passing fad…

87. Rap: ok..

88. 80’s music: shudders….

89. Punk: ok

90. Whats the prettiest instrument(s)?: guitar! actually drums…

91. Whats the prettiest part of the body?: smile….

92. Biggest fault: short-tempered…

93. Biggest fears: tat i will not live up to my expectations… sounds weird rite…

94. Do you live in the moment?: yeah…

95. Do you care about looks?: erm.,… im superficial…

96. Do you like your handwriting?: NO! so bloody messy..

97. Obsession: RED BULL>…. it gives u wings! and i tink i have an obsession with blogging!

98. Looking forward to: my bdae…

99. Favorite weather: when im sleeping : heavy rain, when im tanning: hot sun, when im out: cloudy shiny weather..

100. Do you ever wish you were somebody else?: yesh… well… actually more of de family part… dun ask why…

do one urself!

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