#nadskai Love Monday's Musings Singapore Lifestyle Blog Yours truly...

Places to meet guys in Singapore!

This is a Monday’s Musings – Random thoughts, feelings and musings by Yours Truly entry under my themed blog posts! For more info about the themed blog posts, do read the entry here.

I had this discussion sometime back with some girlfriends and we were talking about how we met our respective partners.

So here goes! My list of the various places where one can meet potential life partners! Okay lah, better to indicate as potential boyfriends instead :p

1. Through School

This is one of the best ways to meet someone I feel. This is at an environment where you socialise the most, have the most options and you get to know someone well! I personally had 5 relationships in my whole life and number 2, 3 and 4 were met through School activities. That being said, I was extremely active in Poly back then. I ran for elections and was involved in every freshman orientation and leadership camps. My social circle was way bigger than most of the other students. Anyway, number 2 and 3 were interesting experiences but I’ll leave that for another entry.

2. Through Work

After school, I personally felt that my social circle shrunk tremendously. Personally, I never dated anyone in the same workplaces but I have friends who met their husbands through work. Meeting someone everyday does have it’s perks? You’ll get to see his best and worse attributes. However, I am not a huge advocate of dating someone in the same workplace. Shitting where you eat can have huge setbacks when the relationship turns sour. Unless, both parties behave in a mature way, it ain’t gonna work man. In my previous workplace, the gaming company, there were a lot of couples who got together there but I guess it’s understandable looking at the average age there.

3. Friend’s friends

Technically, I met Skai aka c(hubby) in a club through my polymate. It was her belated birthday gathering and she called some of her friends over. Friend’s friends are also another popular way to meet people. You’ll get background info from your friend and I guess your friend can act as a potential matchmaker? However, this does not apply in my case. Well, it’s a complicated case which deserves another entry but I’ll just say, said friend ain’t a friend anymore. Ah well. 🙁

In other cases, I’ve seen people meet up thru friend’s friends at weddings! I personally know of two such cases! A brother got together with a sister! As in jiemei and brother la. Not incest. -_-”

4. Through a hobby

If you belong to an interest group, most of the time you’ll bond with like minded individuals e.g. diving forum, bike, etc. Most of us, after graduation hardly have the time to socialise much, I highly recommend joining an interest group. I have heard of friends meeting through such activities. Also, I think it’s easier to talk to someone about a shared interest!

5. Through a place of worship

Church, religious class. You get the idea.

6. Random stranger

My first boyfriend was through this method. I was working part time after my O Levels in Guardian Pharmacy in Parkway Parade while he worked in Delifrance. We saw each other almost every other day and he summoned the courage to talk to me one day. The rest is history.     Actually, I’m pretty surprised at myself for actually agreeing to pass my number to a random stranger. But I was 16 and silly. The relationship was one of the most painful relationship of all times. But yeah, a lesson learnt.

7. In a club

Technically I did met Skai in a club. With alcohol as a social lubricant, it was easy for us to chat and be friends. I have friends who met each other in clubs too. I guess with alcohol clouding one’s judgement, it’s easy to let your guard down. Great way to socialise too! Though I would highly recommend not drinking wayyyy too much.

8. Online

Friendster and Facebook were the cupid for two of my friends. I don’t know whether they mind sharing their tales so I won’t say so much here. Sometimes a “Hi there! Wanna be friends?” might actually work! Why not give it a shot? Said two friends are getting married to their partners!

I guess wherever you might be, just keep an open mind? Cupid might strike you there!

Any interesting stories of where you met your partner? I’ll love to hear them! Do comment here!

Do check out my other Monday’s Musings blog posts here:

Well, this is my Monday’s Musings entry. Sorry for the long wall of text! I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this Places To Meet Guys in Singapore musing piece from me! Are there any other topics that you’ll like to hear from me? Do comment and I’ll muse about that ;)

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