
another blast at london… when will it ever stop?

Large areas around Warren Street, Oval and the Shepherd’s Bush Hammersmith and City line Tube stations have been cordoned off.

One person was injured at Warren Street. There were reports the injured person may have been holding a rucksack containing the detonator.

London Underground went to ‘amber’ alert status

Sir Ian told reporters: “The casualty numbers appear to be very low in the explosions.

“The bombs appear to be smaller than on the last occasion but we don’t know the implications of all this yet.”

works from the same group? or perhaps a copycat? when will people live in peace with each other?

read the rest of the article here

thanks to kingmeng for updating me!

will not be updating till sunday night… gonna work tomorrow onwards and will be sleeping over at a hotel. bleah.

anyone good with html? need help with my blogger archives!

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