Friends Life and Fun Love Outfit of the day Pictures

My Xmas Celebrations….

Super duper long entry and picture intensive. 😛

It all started on 23rd December. Since mrkennychan was back from down under, a few of us decided to have a simple Christmas dinner at mrkennychan’s place. He kindly volunteered to prepare dinner and I brought along a nice bottle of wine.

First of all, can you guys guess what this is?

I bet you can never guess what it is!

Food pics!

We had a yummy turkey. the stuffing was fantastic!

Kenny made his yummy creamy pasta.

And the yummy roast beef which many thought was ham. LOL!

My yummy and extremely satisfying Chrismas dinner. 🙂

We had some lights to set the mood….

Great company…

Good wine. (Check out my rainbow earrings! They’re from Royalust!)

And good music… provided from Chester’s barking.

Ben devouring the turkey. OM NOM NOM NOM!

And we had a yummy log cake. Santa’s head got bitten off by the evurl mrkennychan shortly after this picture was taken. Poor Santa.

Camwhoring time!

We’re missing thebeanmaster as he had to leave early so here’s a solo pic of him!

Someone please photoshop him in! *looks at Jen jen*

Can’t wait for next year’s Xmas party. 🙂

The next day we decided to countdown to Xmas! We don’t usually do the Xmas Countdown thingy but since Jen will be away on NYE, we decided to have it on Xmas eve then. Thankfully we didn’t do the resolutions thingy. Phew.

I met up with my bestie Jen jen for a night of clubbing at St James and we had loads of fun! And of course lots of camwhoring.

There isn’t much to say about clubbing so I’ll just share with you guys the silly pics we took. Some pics are from Jen and Mus’s friend Anna.

With silly old Mus.

Pretty glowsticks!

I have one too!

Remember my silly xmas nipples? LOL.

Did I do a better job of looking shocked? 😛

Us 3 with our party hats!

And now with some silly accessories! IMO the masks looks weird.

David soon joined us and the hats appeared again!

Jen cant decide which hat to use. LOL.

Countdown to Xmas! Kisses for my bestie. 🙂

What a small world. Bumped into Lester. 😉

Mus and I once again. 🙂

I love clubbing with her. 🙂

Next day, I met up with Tiger for dinner at Shashlik. We haven’t been to Shashlik for more than a year and we decided to go there for Xmas.

We shared the Borsh soup. Super duper yummy.

The chicken stuffed mushrooms that wasn’t in the menu.

The prawn cocktail which was yummy but definitely not value for money. LOL

I can’t believe I ordered the garlic steak again. I always tell myself to try something new and yet I stick with the old and what’s comfortable. Doh.

Good meal as usual. 🙂

Camwhoring time!

My outfit of the day! I absolutely adore this little combo as I feel very shunu and yet Audrey Hepburn-ish in this get up.

The dress and the necklace are from my Junior’s blog shop!

She sells from dresses and accessories and her accessories are handmade with love!

Do take a look at her shop!

Especially those from Temasek Poly, support a fellow TPian! 😉

Do visit!

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6 thoughts on “My Xmas Celebrations….”

  1. Jayden: hahahhaa! You’re getting warmer!

    LOL: NOPE! 😛

    Fion: I’ll ask him for the recipe when I meet him. 😉

    Kynne: Thanks!


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