Pictures Yours truly...

2008 at a glance….

As per my yearly tradition, here’s what happened to me in 2008…

– I started the year great… attended AsiaSoft’s d&d

and won 4th prize in the lucky draw! (I have never won anything in lucky draws before!)

kena brochitis. wtf.

– found out that my mother’s colleagues are reading my blog. brrr.

– Got sent to Bangkok for my first ever business trip!

– Celebrated our 4 year’s anniversary at Rice Table and adjourned for wii fun after that.

Tried my luck trying to win a trip.

Started doing vodcasts with Jayden.

Won the contest!

– Left AsiaSoft for supposedly greener pastures at SingTel. Wrong choice! I should have stayed at AsiaSoft!!!!!!1

– Blogging became very lucrative for me. Nuffnang was treating me good, sponsoring us bloggers to KL and all. πŸ™‚

Went with Jenjen to Australia. Superb fun!

– Unfortunately… my happiness came with a price… my cat was deterioriating everyday since I left and she passed away on the day I came back. I like to think she was struggling to have a last glance at me.. I still tear when I think of her.

– Became one of Stomp’s Star Blogger and left within this year. It has been a good and lucrative 6 months. LOL

– Printed my own Blogging namecards.

Dispelled rumours that Jayden and I are dating. Till today, there are people who think that Jayden and I are together. LOL

Began a one year deal with Milly’s. I have great hair extensions, lash extensions and gel extensions because of her now. πŸ˜‰

Officially started a vodcast with Jayden. I really had fun hosting and I would love to host another vodcast!

– Started a fortnightly column called Would You Rather? Response was good at first but it is starting to get lukewarm. What kind of questions do you prefer? I try to maintain a good variety, we can’t have naughty questions all of the time aye?

Decided to heck it and leave SingTel after a month. Studied full time instead and I’ve never been happier.

Started lusting over DSLRs. I want one please!

Played with PhotoShop for one of my pictures… and in the later part of the year, Xiaxue decided to photoshop my pic too. It was interesting reading the comments. hurhur.

– Had a photoshoot with a very interesting photographer. There are more pics but I haven’t found the time to share them with you guys.

Shared my drinking habits. I hate stupid gossipmongers, I already splashed it out in Stomp about my drinking habits and yet they go around talking shit behind my back.

– Won a phone from Samsung’s Social Night where they had a photo contest.

– Became one of Majolica Majorca’s online ambassadors.

– Discovered my favourite buffet places of all times.

Signed up for a gym membership and paid lots for a trainer.

My precious pink Sony t10 died on me. I need a new camera!

Questioned religion once again.

Bintan Lagoon Resorts kindly invited me down to view their new rooms.

– mrkennychan returns from Australia and thebeanmaster left for buffalo. πŸ™

– Traveled to Saigon with Kennysia. I traveled alone for close to 2 days and it was a very interesting experience.

2008 has been full of ups and downs. I would never expected to travel alone (especially to Vietnam) or even to have won the Unexpected Australia trip or to have even been a Stomp Starblogger. Blogging this year has really made a huge difference to my life. I’m left with a last paper in February and it’ll be time to start looking for a job. *gulps*

I’ll leave the reflections for my usual birthday post this year. πŸ˜‰

I’m gonna get ready and party away the last day of 2008. Have fun folks!

6 thoughts on “2008 at a glance….”

  1. hello nadnut! (: reading your blog for this past year has been really fun. i’m an official fan, on facebook at least, hahaha, simply because i love your style, your attitude towards life and your truthfulness in this blog. (:
    keep it up and all the best for 2009!
    loveya. (:


  2. ale: thanks for the support. πŸ™‚

    ensui & annant: Happy new year to you guys too!

    msvindicta: It’s ok babe! Next time then!

    chocolatesuze: you too!


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