
Advertlets strikes back!

To all bloggers: FYI pls.

Advertlets have partnered clickTRUE. clickTRUE who? clickTRUE is the Pay Per Performance online advertising services division of HardwareZone, which by the way is under SPH.

What does this mean? Would Nuffnang be falling behind? Would Advertlets have a HUGE amount of ads that everyone would be jumping ship? Oh wait, isn’t Nuffnang Asia’s leading blog advertising network? Would Advertlets have less screw ups now? How many Glitteratis would stay loyal to Nuffnang? Would Advertlets actually do a better job now?

What’s going on? What’s Nuffnang’s response? Knowing Ming, I believe he’s still cool as a cucumber right now.

It would be interesting to see what happens now. And yes, I’m staying put for now. How about you?

For more info, click here, here and here. (Links provided by Nic)

Afterthought: Incase you guys misunderstand, I am saying, despite any changes, I’m staying put for now. Brrr. If my intentions are misunderstood, then perhaps I shouldn’t have bothered at all. 

2 thoughts on “Advertlets strikes back!”

  1. Hey hey…I recently replaced my google ad with Nuffnang. I’ve had a Nuffnang account for a long time but I’ve never used it.

    I must say that there’s something different about Nuffnang. But I can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s just this feel I get when I’m at their website.

    Anyhows, I’m gonna stick to Nuffnang no matter what!


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