Friends Pictures

i tink its time for updates!

first up.

girls outing on tuesday!

me, rach c & mira went out. to orchard. let de pics do de toking…

bought 2 boots..

a pair of black boots..


a pair of beige boots…

both pairs were at $39 bucks… for both! wow. great deal.. now, juz have to tink wat to match them with…

then saw some weird donuts…

there was a smiley donut!

and a reallie weird shape one!

then saw a BIG bear!!!

BEAR and me!

the 3 babes… i look ugly here! >.<
the pweety fountain!

wats tat PINK thing?

its actually a machine where we can buy movie tixs from… cine onlie i tink… it was out of order then… boo..

anyway, then came wednesday… which is a super special day…

it was me and dear’s 14 months anniversary..

we went to eat at fish&co…

yummy but expensive…

i had the new york’s fish & chips which is cheese inside de fish. SUPER YUMMY!

but the soup was yucky…

eee.. sweet corn soup…

but the passionfruit drink was nice nice!

check out dear’s expression… booo..

his forced expression..

WARNING! mushy pics ahead..

blur pic..

another blur pic..

clear clear pic… coz i took it!


us… check out his expression…

dear was sooo sweet to buy me a stuffed toy…

coz me nickname is sillymoo… he bought me a cow..

a weird cow..

its name? moomoooooo…

so u are suppose to pronounce it like a short moo followed by a long moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo….

moomooooo can strech his legs!

its doing a split!

it so doesnt look like a cow doesnt it? lol…

i tot it was a zebra… :X

hahaha… anyway, so sweet of my dearie….

thanks dear!

now i gotta get a deer. where can i get a stuffed deer? (his nickname is sillydeer)

lol.. muackz peeps… take care!

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