
feeling betta… went for photoshoot today with pearl… fun! someting diff… hahhaa. anyway, had fun joking with pearl, de photographer and de makeup artiste. but someting sad happened…

when we are walking to de next location, a bus juz drove so close to us (we were walking in de carpark) and its mirror hit de makeup artiste’s head! >.<
we were walking at de side and de bus didnt even horn! wah lao ehz. lucky she’s ok..

but after tat she was suffering from a throbbing headache & we didnt get de bus plate! -_-

sighz… poor gal… 🙁

hope she’ll feel betta…

anyway, cant wait to see de clique tomolo for steamboat! miss them sooooo much! and there is a wedding (at a church!) on saturday to attend. cool! 🙂

anyway, gonna see de fireworks on sunday. anyway wanna come along? me gonna go tanning b4 tat… 😛

graduation next week. tat is so soon. wow. hmmm. anyway, de phrase of de week/day/month/second/wateva is….

17) If Only Everything in Life was as Reliable as a Nad.

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