
There’s a willing seller. And there’s a willing — and even desperate — buyer. So, what’s all the fuss about trading organs?

That’s this week’s topic.

Here’s mine. I share my thoughts on the good, the bad and the ugly.

What’s yours? Do you agree? Disagree? Or really don’t give a damn?

1 thought on “There’s a willing seller. And there’s a willing — and even desperate — buyer. So, what’s all the fuss about trading organs?”

  1. Hmm allowing the legalisation of organ trading could, no doubt, save more lives as waiting time is far reduced. But I reckon what the government is concerned of, is the deeper implications which comes with freedom of organ sale. We’re looking at poor people who are willing to sell blood and organs for money. They may be very willing to do so, but how much do they know and most importantly, understand the possible side effects that come after the operation?

    We should eliminate middlemen in this organ sale process. Sellers should be screened and put through a ‘education process’ before signing on the dotted line. Like how pregnant women are made to go through counseling and videos of abortion and its effects. With the thorough understanding, then it is really the choice of sellers to make.


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