Friends Pictures

Games Convention 2007

Finally had some rest and relax time yesterday… i dont understand why my uber small lappie weighs a ton, my shoulders are aching! grrr.

Outfit of the day.

Tiger hates my top.

Sometimes i wonder why do i do things to “hurt” myself. Despite knowing how much these wedges pinch my feet and how bad it hurts, i’ll squeeze my feet in them and then make excuses in buying a pair of flats/slippers and change in them later.

Tiger has rest his case regarding these wedges. I think i’m just using an excuse to shop. 😛

I need a haircut. Should i cut it short? 😛

Headed to Suntec to visit Cordelia.. i didnt know that it ended at six… and we reached at six. doh. managed to walk a bit and took a few pics though.

So cute! I think being a mascot isn’t as fun as it looks. I once tried the gingerbread man costume from Shrek (the cowboybarflies will remember this) and nearly died in it. 15 mins in it and i was sweating like a pig.

Cute but blur pic. GABRIEL! *shakes fist*. lol. 😛

Damn. Missed the part when Corde was in her costume. Bah.

So cute….

Tiger and i walked around a bit and a few of the games available looks interesting. *tempted*

Last but not least, a pic of naDS lite and the big ds lite. lol.

We then zoomed over to Harbourfront… Met up with km, rn,cherylyn and we had a yummy dinner at Sakae Sushi. And dear Jocelynn came over and brought donuts!!! Jco donuts. I ordered 6 and they were gone within 2 hours. Erm, i ate 5. *pats tummy*

It’s time to exercise. Die.

4 thoughts on “Games Convention 2007”

  1. Oooh. I just squashed my feet into this pair of 3.5inch killer heels and got 2 humongous blister in less than half a day. Bought another pair of wedges just to maintain the sanity of my feet.

    So, tell Tiger that it’s a normal thing, and not an excuse to shop! =))


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