
bf complains i mention ting ting more than him…

here u go dear, ur 30 seconds of fame in my blog… *rolls eyes*

HAHHAA… today @ rachel lum’s house during de potluck party when we were watching Ice Age..

being de cheeky lil me, during de first part when de squirrel was running around with his nut.

i mentioned tat de nut was me. nut = nad = nadia

lotsa groans came from de ppl, and i was called lame. oh well…

continued watching de show while we gave names to everyone. so and so were who. when suddenly rachel (lum) piped up. ‘hey! then tat must be xxxxxxxx!’

eh? i was blurred for a second. de squirrel? why? coz its blur? then came de reply…

“coz he’s hugging nut (nad)”


incase u S.L.O.W. peeps dun understand… there is a nut-obsessed squirrel who seems to be clumbsy and kena all accidents…


nut —> nad = nadia

squirrel —> xxxxxxxx

scene:- squirrel runs with nut and nut seems to fall. he (squirrel) runs to de tree and he gets striked by lightning! (dumb ass!). next scene, squirrel gets frozen with nut. oth gets defrosted (!!!) and squirrel found a bigger nut.

a coconut.


who lagi lamer? rach rite? LOL.

pls: names changed to xxxxxxxx coz to those who knoe, u knoe. those who dun. too bad.

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