cranky lil bitch.

thats me. it seems like when my immune system drops. so does my tolerance level.

tolerance level for jibes. tolerance level for idiotic people.

i spent de whole of yesterday evening thrashing someone. which is weird of me. i try not to be too harsh. i tend to sugarcoat my words. or when i get really pissed, i tend to be too cordial.

i wasnt even feeling pissed yesterday. infact i tend to think that guy is a nice guy just that he lacks EQ.

so… i was being direct to him yesterday and today i woke up feeling bad. oh well.

i got cranky and pissed at another friend. he always seems to irritate me. perhaps im petty. perhaps i cant take jokes. i dunno. i juz got so pissed that i ignored him. and i feel kinda bad. and when his being concerned for me, well… i was being a pain in the ass.

sometimes msn/sms can be such a pain in the arse cause one tends to interpret messages sent across in a different way

its not pms if u guys were thinking of that.

perhaps i seriously do not understand the ways of guys. or perhaps im just being a bitch these days.

aside from being a bitch. i had my first taste of carls junior yesterday. absolutely delish! i didnt even attack any of the burgers. i ate the beef cheesy chilli fries. which brought me back in time when i first had my coney fries at a&w…

damn shiok man. orgasmic even! lol! after de attack of the fries, i went to watch 40 year old virgin.

tickets courtesy of challengephoenix. thanks babe!

funny show but stupid ending. LOL! lotsa tits flashing though. i was laughing till i nearly had stitches….

after the show, we trooped down for supper. and i dragged the gang to carls junior for the oh-so-good fries again!

damn good. damn shiok. now damn fat.



tmd. kena spotted. when buying lunch today. the drink stall auntie asked me ‘eh. u never puasa?’

for those who dunno, im a freethinker. click here for details

then i told auntie im not a muslim. (DO I LOOK LIKE A MALAY TO YOU?)

and guessed wat she said?

auntie: you filipino ah?



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