Stories Yours truly...

My six word story.

During one of the Open Room sessions that Ogilvy organised, one of the speakers Arti left a great impression on me.

Basically, she mentioned that a good writer is one who communicates clearly. To cut to the chase, information is to short and sweet. Understood by everyone. She organised this activity by asking us to come out with a story with 6 words and cited an example from Ernest Hemingway: For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

We each came out with our own within a minute and mine was:

Alcoholic checks into rehab. Drank more.

After the whole session, I was on a roll. I kept coming up with 6 word stories, some which made sense and some which was totally nonsensical.

Anyway, here I am sharing the rest of my 6 word stories. It’s all said in jest, so please do not be offended. Not intended to anger anyone okay!!! DISCLAIMER OK!

For sale. Condoms. Never got laid
Retail therapy soothes. Now broke. Depressed.
Saw butt crack. Am now blind.
Boring lecture. Everyone yawned to death.
Out of toilet paper. Used sock.
Spamming plurk right now. Karma rising.
Plagiarised articles. Contract still got renewed.
I’m going to australia tomorWOW! So?
Bald man bought comb. Everyone wonders.
Hot guy sighted. Creamed in pants.
Had sex. Condom broke. Now pregnant.
He left. Goodbye and good riddance.
Fell asleep during meeting. Even snored.
Extremely fat man farted. Everyone died.
Saw a hello kitty vibrator. Purr
My feet really hurts. New shoes.

And one by ching chong boy: Date on diet. Makes me fat.

Now, try doing a few! Share with me your six word story 🙂

And here’s the latest one.

Who to vote? nadnut, of course!

6 thoughts on “My six word story.”

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