
argh! get away from me!

how many times can you bump into someone?

talk about coincidences…

met the gals for dinner at spaggedies today (sorry akk! lets go somewhere else! *shamefaced*) and bumped into mrkennychan and priscilla at spaggedies. *ting!*

after the dinner, we strolled out before them and walked around paragon, doing a bit of window shopping and then deciding to head to new zealand icecream.

and guess who walked past us? mrkennychan and pris again! *ting ting!*

the 2 groups departed in different directions and we took a slow stroll and guess who we bumped to again? yes, u guessed it. *ting ting ting!*

talk about coincidences man! (or perhaps, singapore is really THAT small that you will bump into the same people 3 times within 2 hours)

argh! not u again! =X


billygoat> u know i’m joking right? tmd u. i said i was going to spaggedies and i made reservations and i had to bump into u there! u stalker u! =P

akk> argh. being typical greedy me, i went to eat at spaggedies despite ‘dating’ u to go there with me.. lets choose somewhere else? *paiseh*

update: TMD kennychan says im stalking him when i told him i was going spaggedies for dinner and had made reservations!

5 thoughts on “argh! get away from me!”

  1. singapore is small by itself but orchard consider even smaller bumping 1 person in orchard 3 time in 2 hour is not surprise….how big is orchard rd??paragon,taka,wisma,Heeren or ps…fool….pianz!!!ppple onli can walk from tis pl to another pl lolx…..


  2. lancerlord> hahaha. yeah. =)

    dan1> hahahhaa. so far, never bumped into the same people 3 times in a row! hahahaa. anyway, this entry is just to disturb ‘somebody’. heh. 🙂


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