jireh: initial D is out.

remember 3 years ago?

‘No one sleeps in Tokyo! All night crossing the line… No one hears the radio.. Tokyo is on fire!’


i miss those days. hand gestures. initial d’s songs. changi airport. poly forum. pillow fights. midnight movies. but most of all : irritating bugger. and you. 🙂

hope. faith. destiny.

on a sidenote. perks @ EMCO (my company. happy?!?)

coffeebean free for all. everyone got a free drink at coffeebean delivered right to the office. too bad its coffee. gave away.

yesterday on my way home, i bumped into Shan. u knoe. de eye for a guy rejected fella.

he doesnt really know how to smile does he?

and yes. jenny called me from the airport. she bought an ipod (not sure if its a mini) for 50% off. hahaha. yes. im slightly jealous. bleah.

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