
nice nice day….

lol… went out with dear to watch ‘love actually’… so-so show…. i preferred ‘how to lose a guy in 10 days’… lol… but then i dun really like british films… went to eat @ KFC and bumped into my obs fren! lol… with her bf oso! lol… surprises today… got good news! finally got my appetite back! lol… as dear said ‘will get tummy back oso’… bleah~ …. lol… and ANOTHER good news! got half day off tomolo…. coz been working whole weekend… damn shacked… felt like sleeping the whole day today… yay! will knock off @ 2pm tomolo! can go home sleep b4 going bsc meeting…. aiyah, i so long havent gone clubbing till feel soooo not in touch with my ‘clubber side’… lol… feel like going zouk on wed, wat do yu tink? anyone wanna go? but gotta go home early… a bit of a kill-joy hor? aiyah, still got work next day mah… *looking forward for half day off tomolo!*


hee…. so shacked liaoz… cant wait for my rest day…

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