you know when your sick when…

  1. you start singing mr lonely in a high pitched voice all out of a sudden
  2. u talk weird stuff e.g: a lil muaaalina a day keeps the viruses at bay
  3. u feel high w/o drinking anything
  4. ur head feels heavy and migrainy feeling e.g. the thump-a-thumping in ur head reminds u of zouk beats.
  5. u juz cant get to sleep coz ur shivering and feeling sick
  6. drinking water makes u wanna puke
  7. you juz cant remember what you did 5 minutes ago
  8. you stumble after walking a few steps
  9. you cant remember the amount of panadols you have popped
  10. you stone infront of the com and your hands are trembling like a drug addict

and you know your asking for trouble when you insist on going out when your sick.

bah. or as billygoat will say: beh.

one off day and i’m not gonna waste in sleeping my whole life away.

time to visit the dentist. oh please be gentle on me.

[/updates] : the gods are against me. dentist closed till 2, docs closed till 2, hairdresser accept cash only and there is no uob bank near my area.

tot of going docs and dentist and tot of doing something to my hair while waiting for 2pm.

oh well. beh. feeling woozy juz now and slumped onto a bench. passerbys were staring at me. never see sick girl before ah?

kick me wont u. feeling ranty, pukish and juz grumpy. grrrrr [/end updates]

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