Yours truly...
im back!

wahhahaha. yay.

long awaited update on me job…

k ah. u guys dun laugh.

do u knoe wat is my job title?


relationship executive…


doesnt it sound like some SDU executive or some nightclub girl’s title?

pengs. basically im still doing events. i liaise accounts. basically de east side area (and the north east) accounts.

i do sales but i dun have a target to meet.

so far, work has been good. my coursemate emily is working there with 2 great bosses. encouraging people.

and next week, joyce will be joining me! yay.

cool right? yeah. all females area.

hmmm. work seems good. i onlie had 2 hours orientation and i was put to work. sad thing is tat its a 5.5 day week.

tomorrow need to work. got event to attend.

was thinking of going zouk tomolo. anyone interested? its halloween!!

oritey. not in a good mood. pissed off. its a stupid thing actually.

argh. u treat me with attitude. i treat u back de same.

thanks huda for de microsoft office and photoshop! thanks zhenjie and justin for volunteering to help with my com. thanks jenny for helping to look for antivirus stuff for me. thanks aloysius for reformatting the com.

there u go.

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