

tuesday, week zero orientation day 2!

someting sad… i broke my toe nail! de injured one! dunno when happen.. it was bleeding… YUCKS!

played tug of war with de director’s team. of coz we lost! juz look at de bsc gers… all one fling will fly… played until rope burn. fun though. hahahha~

HTM LT totally rawkz! we won de best overall diploma! it was a tiring day but everything was worth it. cried a bit. coz tis was de last time i will be doing orientation and the sls were so sweet!

they sang a song for me. sighz. will miss evryone. a bunch of wonderful freshies, sls, hls and some main comm…

tis is my 3rd year being involved with a htm lt.

1st year: htm hL
2nd year: FA
3rd year: FA

i dun wanna graduate! i wanna do events! i wanna be ra-ra and cheer till my voice goes hoarse…

but…. i have to move on..

i will forever miss the feeling…

i miss running events, doing planning, facilitating, the late nites of debrief, arguing with ppl, talking nonsense, kenny’s jokes, colin’s sillyness, mira’s hugs, days of lack of sleep, cheers, the people…

BSC rawkz! all de shit was worth it… i will neva ever regret being in an organisation that changed so much of my life….

sighz… *nad feeling emo*



went out with ting. was late. took a cab to cine… saw a very very nice pair of earrings! so bought it… πŸ˜›

ting bought tixs, so we went off to buy food… went all de way to taka… i bought lotsa food, felt like a piggy… ting bought onlie like a few pieces of durian pancakes! then shoved all de food in my bag! my bag was totally bloated!

all thanks to ting not bringing a bag! -_-

shrek 2 was great!

funny! short film but great! i loved puss! cute! reminds me of my chicken leg! same color!

here’s a pic of de endearing fella!

good show! unfortunately, i think i left my hairbrush and new pair of earrings in de cinema! so sad! somemore earrings new new! *sulkz*

anyway, ting ting is a lovely date! will go out more often! πŸ™‚

after tat we went off to PS to meet Siwei, Aya, Gini, Loy, Weishen and his gf Jolene. had a game of air hockey! fun! lose though… πŸ™

after tat all of us except for Weishen and Jolene, watched ‘Breaking news’. ok movie. πŸ™‚

not often will see nad watching a chinese movie! hahhaa. ting didnt sleep… is it because im beside him? hahaha. lol…

we then settled at macs to chat… and took de last train back… enjoyed juz chilling there… ^-^

wat a lovely day…

thanks to ting for de first half of de day! awwwww…


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