
the worst roommate ever.

i thought tiger had it bad back in australia. basically he had a spoilt bitch as a roommate who had pms about 363 days a year… more tales about this probably another time. 😛 till i read this.. madness. if i ever do (make it to) study in australia, im staying alone. lol.

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(stupid) phone woes.

i am going almost bonkers with the stupid phone. for the whole of yesterday night, it decided to go on strike with me. when i tried to send messages, it shows as no service number defined. fine. i restarted. then it became phone restricted. restarted it again. and this time, its sim rejected. argh. and …

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Life and Fun Pictures

the barflies

some super belated pictures. (pictorial entry) my virgin clubbing experience at movida! i have never been to st james before that.. i was dying to head to boiler room though… my booty belongs there! these bunch of people are mad. numerous bottles on the table. -_-” i fear for my liver. and no, i wasnt …

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